Sunday 26 April 2015


Initial shots

My third influence for my idea of showing the relationship between colour and food is The Colour Wheel. I chose this as my third influence because The Colour Wheel shows the primary, secondary and tertiary colours. Therefore I could use this to put different colours that are opposite to each other on The colour Wheel together. For this shoot I used a green pepper and a handful of red tomatoes as they're complimentary colours so it would be good to see how they both look when contrasted together. 

For this shoot I used a green pepper and a handful of red tomatoes on top a sheet of white A4 paper for my background as the white background brings out the colours and creates a bigger contrast. I used my Nikon d3200 and 18-55mm lens. I shot from a birds eye view as that was the best way to put the vegetables in front of a white background and take the shots. In addition to, I used flash during the shoot as well because that was the best source of lighting due to it lighting the red and green objects to create a better contrast.

Some images didn't turn out too well and how I wanted them to be. For example, image 1 and 5. Image 1 didn't turn out too good because the white background isn't covering the whole of the image and the lighting is too dark as the camera is too far away. image 5 was bad as well because the focus is poor, leaving the image out of focus and blurred. However, some images did turn out well. For example, image 4 and 16. this is because the focus is perfect, making the image sharp and not blurred like some of the other images. In addition to, the lighting is perfect as it lightens the red and green and leaves a clean shine on the vegetables.

Shoot 5 - Best Edit



The picture above is my best edit from this shoot. I chose this picture for my best edit due to the good focusing on the vegetables swell as the lighting which shows a slight shine and reflection which makes the image slightly sharper and cleaner looking. For the editing of this picture I used the quick selection tool. Firstly I selected each vegetable and increased the saturation to enhance the colours. Also, I selected the background and increased the exposure to its maximum so that the background is as white as possible.

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