Saturday 25 April 2015


Initial shots

My third influence for my idea of showing the relationship between colour and food is The Colour Wheel. I chose this as my third influence because The Colour Wheel shows the primary, secondary and tertiary colours. Therefore I could use this to put different colours that are opposite to each other on The colour Wheel together. For this shoot I used a banana and apple as yellow and red are opposite so I experimented to see how it would look.

For this shoot I used a yellow banana and red apple on a white surface with a brick as a background which I may edit and create a black background. I used my Nikon d3200 and 18-55mm lens. I shot from a metre away from my subject as I found that was the best place for the focus and the overall position of the image. For this shoot I used flash because this would brighten the image, especially the fruits. This would create a greater contrast between the two objects.

Some images didn't turn out too well and how I wanted them to be. For example, image 1 and 9 didn't turn out too good. Image 1 was bad due to  the shadow at the bottom of the image which removes part of the white surface that needs to be covering. Then with image 9, the problem is with the angle of the image. This angle is too low and therefore cuts part of the fruits out of the image. However, some images did turn out well. For example, image 7 and 14. These images are the best from this shoot for many reasons. Firstly the lighting is perfect as the shadows are correct and the lighting of the objects is good as they're not too dark and the colours are obvious.

Shoot 4 - Best Edit



The picture above is my best edit from this shoot. I chose this picture for best edit mainly due to the focusing of the fruits. In addition to, the fruits are well positioned and contrast well together. For the editing of this image I used the quick selection tool and brush tool. Firstly, I quick selected each fruit, one at a time. When doing this I increased the saturation and tuning slightly to brighten the image and colours. Also, this would help with selecting the background next. I used the quick selection tool for the background and decreased the exposure to its maximum to completely black out the background. This is so the image looks neater and more fouled on the main objects. Also, I used the brush tool to trim round the fruits so the border lines were tidy and so the image doesn't  look badly edited.

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