Monday 16 March 2015


Initial shots
My first influence for my idea of relationship between colours and food is Sarah Graham. I chose her for my first influence due to her colourful photorealism creations of toys and sweets which are meant to show joy and happiness which I have tied to show in my work. For this shoot I tried to recreate her piece art which is called 'Sweet Dreams'. However I used Haribo and M&M's instead of wrapped up sweets.

For my first shoot I gathered sweets around my house from Haribo and M&M packets. I put them in a clear glass bowl as it would allow the colour of the sweets to stand out more. In addition to, I put them on a table where there was some natural lighting shining on my object. I used my Nikon d3200 with a 18-55mm lens and no tripod. I shot from a high angle because that way I could show more of the colours and there was better lighting. During my shoot I experimented using flash which worked well because it brightened the image and increased the saturation of the sweets so the image wasn't so boring and therefore it would be more joyful which Sarah Graham tries to show. 

Some images didn't come out how I expected them to. For example, images 5 and 12 didn't turn out too good. Firstly, image 5 didn't work too well because of the birds eye view angle which doesn't work well because the lighting isn't as effective. In addition to, image 12 was another failed photo because the lighting is too dark so the image becomes more dull and the saturation of the colours isn't as high as id like it to be. However, some images were a success such as image 16 and 27. This is because the lighting is positioned right so it is directly shining on the sweets so there is a bigger contrast and high saturation of the colours. 

For my next shoot I am planning on staying with the same subjects of sweets but changing the actual objects to Chupa Chups as this is one of the objects that Sarah Graham focused  her work on. Therefore I am relating my idea to my influence swell as these sweets being colourful and fitting my idea of showing the relationship between different colours.

Shoot 1 - Best Edit



The picture above is my best edit from this shoot. I picked this picture to edit due to the good lighting and focus of the camera on the sweets. This shows a better contrast with the colours and what colours do and don't stand out and how they relate with the food. For this edit I simply used the quick election tool. Firstly I used it to blur the background on the corners of the picture so there is more focus towards the middle of the image. Next, I selected the sweets and increased the saturation to brighten the colours as before the picture looked rather dull and not as exciting. (Edited on Adobe Photoshop).

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