Friday 23 January 2015



This is my reshoot for shoot 3 of my unit 1 viewpoints work. I realised I needed to do this shoot again because the sharpness of the pictures needed to be improved and the costume of the model.

Therefore for this shoot my model had a black top on so the focus of the image is more focused on the models face with the laser light streams going across one half of their face. In addition to, I lengthened the exposure so that the models face was slightly brightened more and so I could fit more light streams onto the models face.

For this shoot I used a Canon DSLR and a tripod. The tripod enabled me to the image blurred free because if there is movement of the camera during long exposure the image will become blurred which I didn't want.

Best Edit

This is my best edit from my reshoot of the 3rd shoot. This shot went better than the original due to the models face being more focused on due to the brightness of her face and the black costume blending in with the background. In addition to, the image is a lot sharper than my best edit from the original 3rd shoot due to extending the exposure length which also lightened the image on the models face more.

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