Tuesday 27 January 2015

Final Evaluation

With my shoots I think that I have met my intentions with the idea of long exposure.  The first two shoots of light streams from transport such as trains and cars met my intentions. This is because the images make these light streams express a futuristic and modern effect due to technology. In addition to,  the third and fourth shoot met intentions as well. These were focused on unique effects using light streams on a persons face. Both of these shoots came out the way I intended them to, which was to have a peculiar effect.

My photos clearly show my influences: Alex Wise and Evan Sharboneau. My first and second shoot show my influence Alex Wise. They clearly show my influence because I focused on transportation light streams which my influence had also done. Both shoots went really well due to the light streams and you can clearly see similarities with mine and Alex Wise's work. In addition to, my third and fourth shoot show my influence, Evan Sharboneau. This is because they are very similar to Evan's pictures of the laser pen on the face and the wobbling of the eyes using long exposure. If you were to compare my photos and Evan's photos they are very similar and my photos clearly show this.

My final piece is from my 2nd shoot due to the photo relating to my work so well. In addition to, the exposure, lighting, rule of thirds and detail into editing is all well done which is why I chose it for my final piece. It relates very much to my research and development. This is because it is a brilliant example of long exposure and I'm very happy with every single piece of detail. In addition to, it gives that futuristic sense of speed and modern feel which I have tried to show in all of my shoots.

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