Wednesday 21 January 2015


Initial shots

My 2nd influence for my viewpoint of long exposure is Evan Sharboneau who uses many long exposure techniques. I personally like the pictures that he takes because of his peculiar ideas and unique techniques he uses.

For my 4th shoot I experimented in a photography studio as I was using models so inside would be best, especially for controlling the lighting. The equipment I used was a: Nikon D3200 with a 18-55mm lens, tripod, black sheet (backdrop) and a soft box to light certain areas of the model. I set my exposure settings to 4 and 6 seconds. I set them at different times to experiment to see how image came out and to see if it helped with the eye movements. I positioned my camera just in front of the model so I could fit their head a upper chest into the shot which is known as a 'medium shot'. In addition to, I set up the soft box slightly off centre but as near to the middle as possible so that there would be no shadows  behind the model. This is so the models face will be illuminated and so the models eyes will stand out.

Some shots didn't go particularly well. Firstly, image 7 and 9 didn't turn out how I wanted them too. This is because they're not in focus and blurred. This is not good because I wanted the images too look sharper because the image won't look so untidy. Another image that didn't turn out well was image 9. This is due to the model being too far away. Therefore, not much detail has been picked up, such as the eyes. In addition to, the image is blurred again. However, many images did come out good and how I expected them to. For example, images 5 and 14 are the best shots that I took. This is because both images are well in focus and look sharp. In addition to,the positioning of the model in image 14 works really well. Lastly the long exposure that makes the eyes appear white has worked well in these pictures as they stand out and make the images appear peculiar. Overall, many Images have came out blurred due to the long exposure, but on the other hand, some images have came out how I as they're in focus and clearly show the long exposure of the eyes.

Best edit
For my best edit I chose this photo of the model. Firstly this is due to the lighting of the image being correct. The soft box was placed correctly and was at a perfect strength to soften and light up the models face. Also, the long exposure of the eyes worked really well because the models eyes have come out white. However, I didn't want to edit the eyes so they were perfectly white as that would take the idea away of long exposure. With the editing I changed the colour of the picture to grayscale as I think it gives the whites and blacks a better contrast between each other.


Changed the colour of the whole image by using grayscale.

Increased recovery to tone the models face slightly.

Increased contrast to make the whites and blacks stand out more.

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