Monday 12 January 2015


Initial shots

My 2nd influence for my viewpoint of long exposure is Evan Sharboneau who uses many long exposure techniques. I personally like the pictures that he takes because of his peculiar ideas and unique techniques he uses. I believe Evans' images are trying to reflect how futuristic our world is and how we rely on technology in the 21st century.

For my 3rd shoot I experimented in a photography studio as I was using models so inside would be best, especially for controlling the lighting. The equipment I used was a: Nikon D3200 with a 18-55mm lens, tripod, black sheet (backdrop) and a soft box to light certain areas of the model. I set my exposure settings to 8,10 and 15 seconds. I set them at different times to experiment to see how image came out and to see if it helped with the laser pointers light streams on the models face. I positioned my camera just in front of the model so I could fit their head a upper chest into the shot which is known as a 'medium shot'. In addition to, I set up the soft box to the left side of the model so the left side of the models face would be lit up and the right side being darker. Therefore I could position my light streams from the laser onto the Brightside of the models face to show the facial details behind the light streams.

Some shots didn't go particularly well. Firstly, image 1 didn't turn out how I wanted it to. This is because the light streams from the laser didn't cover as much as the left side of the face as I wanted it to. However, everything else was fine such as the focus as the model didn't blur from the long exposure. Another image that didn't turn out how I wanted to was image 15. This is because there wasn't enough lighting so the model wasn't bright enough and the light stream only covered a small amount of the models face. However, images 3 and 4 were my best images from this shoot. Firstly, this is because the model is in focus and not blurred. This was a barrier because when shooting with long exposure its hard to keep a model in focus and sharp instead of being blurred. Also, the lighting is well planned in images 3 and 4. This is because the left side of the image is well lit, especially the models face due to the soft box which also gives the models face a softer effect. In addition to, due to the lighting being on the left side it has darkened the right side which is the effect I wanted the lighting to have. Lastly, the light streams are well placed onto the models face. It isn't too much or little and stays on just that left side of the models face and doesn't go over the eyes. For my next shoot I am planning on experimenting another technique that Evan Sharboneau uses in the same photography studio. This technique is using long exposure whilst moving the eyes so that they appear white when the exposure is complete. This shoot and the next shoot are showing how technology controls us and how futuristic the world is in the 21st century.

Best edit

For my best edit I chose this photo of the model. Firstly this is due to the lighting being correct in the image. The soft box has lit the left side of the face which I wanted it to do so the right side would be darker, therefore creating a contrast. In addition to, the long exposure of the laser was the best from my initial shots because it only covered the brighter side of the face which I was aiming to do and the pattern is unique and peculiar which was one of the effects I am trying to show. When editing I decreased the temperature, this was so a slight tint of blue would be added to add more colour and also to create a bigger contrast to the warmer - left side of the face to the colder - right side of the face. Also, I decreased the exposure so the image would become darker, but only slightly just so the right side of the face would become darker and not the left side. Next, I increased the blacks so again, the right side of the face would become darker but then I increased the brightness so the left side of the models face wouldn't become to dark. Lastly, I increased the contrast of the image to show a bigger difference from each side of the models face.

I edited this image in camera raw.
Decreased the temperature to -17.
Decreased the exposure to -0.20.
Increased the blacks to 5.

Increased the brightness to +24.

Increased the contrast to +16.

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