Tuesday 16 December 2014

Long Exposure, 2nd Influence - Evan Sharboneau | Photo Extremist

Evan Sharboneau is a photographer who exhibits his work throughout he internet on this website, PhotoExtremist.com. The website is great for all sorts of photographers but especially for my work as there is a page on long exposure which has gave me many ideas. It gives unique tutorials and images to photographers, artists, and photo manipulators. Evan says he likes to go into detail when experimenting so the image is as pristine as possible. He even has his own photography dvd called 'Trick photography and special effects'. Therefore, Evan is a well trained photographer who is known very well, especially on the internet. In addition to, Evan has his own YouTube channel where he explains his tips and tricks for taking all sorts of photography. But overall, his work caught my eye due to obscure and unique effects he uses with the long exposure technique such as the images below.

Scribble with laser pen. In this example the laser pen was stroked up and down the models face. 1 sec. / f 3.5 / ISO 200.
Silhouettes of people by taking a long exposure while you move some sort of light behind them. Blue glow sticks were used in this example.

30 second exposure of tiny LED finger ring lights. Evan was holding them the entire time, but because he was not illuminated, you can't see him in this picture.

These eyes were constantly moving while the camera took a 1.5 second exposure. No Photoshop.

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