Friday 12 December 2014


Initial shots

For my 2nd shoot, influenced by Alex Wise, I went to a local town as there would be more light and traffic than where I done my first shoot on the edge of a quite road where there wasn't much light and most of the images were blacked out apart from the light streams. Firstly, I went to the train station as I thought I could capture good long exposure shots of the trains going past. As there wasn't trains coming into the station constantly it was hard to capture a lot of images of the trains. However, the three shots I did get were good. The three I took at the train station are all at different angles as I wanted to experiment to see if certain angles and locations were better. For example, image 1 was taken from the platform and image 2 was taken from the bridge overlooking the railway. Overall, I like these because the light streams given off by the trains give a unique effect. It makes the image seem more futuristic and modern swell, which I wanted to show. Lastly, I fitted part of the train stations building into the images for more detail and a unique effect when comparing the two subjects.

The other images were taken on the main high street of the town. I chose this location as I knew there would be many vehicles passing through to give off more light streams and due to the bright Christmas lights which add more colour and detail into the picture. I shot at two different locations down the high street, the Junction and on the edge of the main road where I could fit many of the Christmas lights in. Some images such as image 18 didn't come out well because the light stream stopped halfway. However, some images such as image 6 came out really well because the image is in focus and I managed to capture a double decker bus come past which looks really well as there are many different light streams in different colours and at a unique height. This adds more detail and colour to image, as well as giving that futuristic and modern effect which Alex Wise does in his photos.
Best edit
For my best edit I chose this image of the train going past because of the positioning of the photo and how well the long exposure of the train came out. Firstly, I used the rule of thirds really well because on the right side of the image I fitted the still movement of the station and on the left side I fitted the movement of the train. This gives a good contrast to the image because of the still movement on one side and the movement of the train on the other side. In addition to, the photo is well positioned as I fitted the surroundings in, such as the sky, train station, bridge and the train. This gives the image more detail and a better contrast. Also, I increased the saturation of the image such as the blue and orange on the right side of the image on the pillar. This was so the image has more colour and detail and also bring more attention to the still, right side of the image. Lastly, the long exposure of the train is good because it gives the futuristic sense of speed due to the long exposure making the train look as though its going faster than it actually is.

Increased the exposure to slightly brighten the image.

Increased the recovery to give a darkened tone to the outskirts of the image.

Increased the saturation.

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