Monday 20 April 2015


Initial shots

My second influence for my idea of showing the relationship between colour and food is Sophie Calle. I chose her as my second influence due to her unique project called 'The Chromatic Diet'. For six days Calle consumed a diet of a single food colour. Her creativity and imagination in this piece sparks a powerful and attractive reputation as well as giving the audience the pleasure of the real. For this shoot I attempted the white food shoot or the Wednesday shoot. 

For my second shoot I used: rice, chicken, milk, vanilla ice cream, white chocolate and white cutlery. I used my Nikon d3200 and 18-55mm lens. I shot from a birds eye view angle, as does Sophie Calle with her work. This angle helps with the lighting but is rather difficult to get the shadows out of the image from the objects and myself. For this shoot I experimented with flash as I did with my first two shoots. This was to work with the the colour white to brighten the image because without flash the image was darkened significantly.

Some images didn't turn out too well and how I wanted them to be. For example, image 4 and 15 didn't turn out too good. With image 4 the problem is with positioning of the subjects and the lighting. The positioning of the subjects is wrong because the white sheet (background) is not semetrical as well as it not filling the whole image. Also, the lighting is wrong because half of the image is light and the other is dark. Image 15's problem is just the lighting due to the image being too dark and not showing a strong white colour. However, some images did turn out well. For example, image 9 and 10. These images are the best from this shoot because all of the objects are positioned perfectly and the same as Sophie Calle with her shoot. In addition to, the lighting is perfect as their are no shadow anomalies and the objects are well lightened.                                       

Shoot 3 - Best Edit



The picture above is my best edit from this shoot. I picked this picture to edit for many reasons. Firstly, the birds eye view angle is perfectly positioned above the subject. Therefore, nothing is wrongly positioned and the shadows are kept to a minimum. In addition to, the lighting is good as I used flash and this brightened the image so that the image is brighter and whiter. For this edit I used different editing techniques. Firstly, I de-saturated the whole image to whiten the image. Next, I used the quick selection tool and slightly whitened foods such as the vanilla ice cream and white chocolate in the top right side. This was due to the yellowish tint which was showing and so I removed this by whitening and tuning it. (Edited on Adobe Photoshop).

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