Thursday 25 September 2014

12 portraits

Camera used: Nikond3200 with a 18 - 55mm lens

With this portrait I fitted the guitar and microphone in with the model to show what the model is doing. Also I feel the lighting works very well and the focus on the model is good. 

I feel that this is a good portrait as well because both of the models are performing and I also experimented with the flash to make the models brighter.
This photo is good because both models are performing and you can see the emotion in their faces. In addition to, I like how its brighter in the background and darker on the models. 

With this portrait the focus on the models is good and the slightly low angle shot brings a bit more to the portrait.
I like this portrait because I feel that the shot of the model is good as its just below the chest and you have the equipment in it such as the music stand and microphone. Also, you have the lighting above the model so it making part of the model lighter on this back.
I feel that this portrait is good because the low-angle shot gives it a nice effect as it makes the guitar and hand bigger than everything else so it stands out better especially while the model is playing. In addition to, it took a while to get the shot because the models hand was constantly moving because of him playing the guitar, but I finally got it focused.

With this portrait I experimented with the focusing and it worked quite well because its focused on the model who is further away and slightly blurred the closer model.

With this portrait I slightly slanted it and focused on the microphone and its stand which I think gives a good effect on the portrait.

With this picture I experimented with flash which has gave a good light effect on the model and I also experimented again with the low-angle shot which also worked well.

This portrait is good because it is shot to the left side of the model and I got it so you can clearly see he is singing into the microphone.

With this portrait I shot it so one model was bigger than the other and at a medium shot and I was pleased with how the shot came out because the effect I tried to give worked.

With this picture I took the shot a little further away so the whole upper body and most of the guitar was in the portrait. Also I used flash to change lighting so the model is brighter than its surroundings.

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